Friday 25 November 2016

Mau Main RF Classic Gratis (tanpa bayar) di Warnet Ini

Untuk memeriahkan Close Beta Test RF Classic Indonesia, Tim RF Classic Indonesia mengadakan event buat Patriot RF khususnya yang bermain di Warnet.

RF Classic

Main RF Classic Tanpa Bayar Billing

Periode event
24 November - 27 November 2016

Pada event kali ini Patriot RF dapat bermain RF Classic Indonesia tanpa harus membayar biling di warnet yang telah ditentukan selama periode CBT berlangsung. Berikut ini adalah lokasi warnet untuk event Main Gratis RF Classic di Warnet

S net
Jalan Anggrek No. 142 Petukangan Utara
Jakarta Barat

Viper Net
Jalan Hoscokroaminoto No. 4 Kreo, Larangan Ciledug
Jakarta Barat


Untuk Patriot RF yang datang ke lokasi dan bermain RF Classic serta mengisi Quesioner yang diberikan, bisa memiliki kesempatan mendapatkan hadiah berikut ini

Headset Armagedon Fuze 5 (untuk 1 orang pemenang)

Tas keyboard Razer (untuk 3 orang pemenang)

Mouse Pad Razer Goliathus (untuk 4 orang pemenang)

T-Shirt RF Online (untuk 9 orang pemenang)

Starter Pack Warnet Gratis OBT RF Classic Indonesia
hadiah untuk karakter OBT RF Classic yang berisi:
5 slot Potion HP 500
5 slot Potion FP 125
5 slot Potion SP 100

Ayo Main RF Classic Indonesia !!!

Ketentuan Hadiah:
- Login RF Classic di PC yang telah disediakan
- Mintalah Form Quesioner pada staff yang bertugas
- Isilah Quesioner lengkap dan ingat dengan baik Kode Undian yang tercantum pada Quesioner
- Setelah selesai bermain, serahkan kembali Quesioner yang telah diisi ke staff yang bertugas
- Setiap Peserta akan mendapatkan Starter Pack Warnet Gratis RF Classic Indonesia
- Pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 29 November 2016 di Website RF Classic Indonesia dan juga Fanpage RF Classic Indonesia

- Event akan dimulai pukul 12.00 WIB hingga pukul 17.00 WIB
- Event main gratis ini akan berlangsung mulai dari 24 November sampai dengan 27 November 2016
- Patriot RF yang ingin mengikuti event main gratis ini cukup datang ke warnet yang telah ditentukan.

The future of support in League of Legends

Riot has continually struggled to make supports appealing to the League of Legends community. While patch 6.13 improved the overall player experience and quality of life, it failed to deliver the community appeal the role has severely lacked. Significantly fewer players want to play support, and it’s an area Riot is keen to fix. Last week Riot WizardCrab announced that 10 support champions would be added to the free rotation for four weeks. This was done to give players access to a broader pool of supports and improve queue times. However, this is only a temporary fix and Riot is looking to make some big changes to the role in 2017.

Gold income
League's latest character isn't a support, but she does offer some fascinating counterplay opportunities. One of the key areas being investigated is how much gold income supports should receive. Supports currently earn the least gold in the game and Riot need to decide whether they want to more closely match their income with other roles. Choosing to up their wages would give support champions a lot more influence over the course of the game, while allowing them to hit their power spikes that much earlier. However, you can’t just increase the passive gold gained by support items as you’ll end up giving solo laners opportunities to create new strategies that could potentially upset the balance of the game.
If supports scaled off something entirely different than AP and AD this could potentially allow the role to feel more refined, while avoiding the potential pitfalls that come with increasing gold income. Supports should scale in utility not damage, and the items could reflect this by offering stronger tank stats, CDR, movement speed, gold per second and HP/mana regen.
Breaking away from AP and AD would give support champions better shields, heals and CC, but they would still not be able to 1v1 enemy champions. A support's job is to look after the team by providing defensive shields, health top ups, vision and lockdown. A change to supportive items could add further opportunities for supports to shine, while also making the role unique. Players may even be drawn toward the role if these items are only usable when playing support.
Recognition of success
The next thing Riot wants to work on is the amount of recognition supports get. Their impact on the game isn’t celebrated as obviously as a killstreak, for example. However, it should be made clear when a support makes a good play. Damage dealers get recognition from their killing sprees/multi-kills, KDAs/CS numbers, tracking of damage dealt and so on. Supports don’t have this luxury. Their achievements have lower visibility and offer little satisfaction to the player.
Making an awesome clutch save, countering an ultimate or stunning an entire enemy team with a Sona ult can feel great, but it offers little in terms of recognition. Some might argue that ally recognition is all that matters when playing any role, but this doesn’t help supports track their overall performance in-game. Additional post-game statistics would greatly solve this problem.
It would be great to keep track of how much damage was shielded, number of wards placed/cleared and the percentage of healing done throughout the game. Even knowing how many kills you denied would make for a satisfactory addition. It may not provide the same instant recognition as the booming pentakill announcement, but it puts their plays firmly in the sights of both teams.

Riot started to address support itemisation in the preseason, but in the future they want to make sure the items are compelling enough that players want to pick support items for specific situations, instead of limiting their build paths. Support players also need to feel that they’re getting stronger as they purchase new items. When an AD-Carry or an assassin purchases their third item there is a big spike in performance. When a support purchases their third item it’s really hard to see a noticeable difference. Sure, you gain a little boost to your stats and you may even get an active to help out your team, but the overall leap between items could be improved.
Sightstone is another area that Riot wants to consider looking into. If you’re playing support your first purchase is commonly going to be a Sightstone. Purchasing this item instantly puts your build behind for the entire game and greatly limits your choices as a support player. In order to fix this there would likely need to be another overhaul to the vision system. However, this could be solved by giving supports more starting items that provide different options without punishing players for not picking one item over the other. Being forced into purchasing a Sightstone can feel rather unfair and does not help to create meaningful choices.

Many players feel that the experience and gold per 10 runes don’t provide enough benefits when compared to damage dealer runes. Supports should have their own set of runes that are only available to their role which focus on providing them with what they need. The introduction of healing and shielding runes would help supports excel in their individuRiot has continually struggled to make supports appealing to the League of Legends community. While patch 6.13 improved the overall player experience and quality of life, it failed to deliver the community appeal the role has severely lacked. Significantly fewer players want to play support, and it’s an area Riot is keen to fix. Last week Riot WizardCrab announced that 10 support champions would be added to the free rotation for four weeks. This was done to give players access to a broader pool of supports and improve queue times. However, this is only a temporary fix and Riot is looking to make some big changes to the role in 2017.

Gold income
League's latest character isn't a support, but she does offer some fascinating counterplay opportunities. One of the key areas being investigated is how much gold income supports should receive. Supports currently earn the least gold in the game and Riot need to decide whether they want to more closely match their income with other roles. Choosing to up their wages would give support champions a lot more influence over the course of the game, while allowing them to hit their power spikes that much earlier. However, you can’t just increase the passive gold gained by support items as you’ll end up giving solo laners opportunities to create new strategies that could potentially upset the balance of the game.
If supports scaled off something entirely different than AP and AD this could potentially allow the role to feel more refined, while avoiding the potential pitfalls that come with increasing gold income. Supports should scale in utility not damage, and the items could reflect this by offering stronger tank stats, CDR, movement speed, gold per second and HP/mana regen.
Breaking away from AP and AD would give support champions better shields, heals and CC, but they would still not be able to 1v1 enemy champions. A support's job is to look after the team by providing defensive shields, health top ups, vision and lockdown. A change to supportive items could add further opportunities for supports to shine, while also making the role unique. Players may even be drawn toward the role if these items are only usable when playing support.

Recognition of success
The next thing Riot wants to work on is the amount of recognition supports get. Their impact on the game isn’t celebrated as obviously as a killstreak, for example. However, it should be made clear when a support makes a good play. Damage dealers get recognition from their killing sprees/multi-kills, KDAs/CS numbers, tracking of damage dealt and so on. Supports don’t have this luxury. Their achievements have lower visibility and offer little satisfaction to the player.
Making an awesome clutch save, countering an ultimate or stunning an entire enemy team with a Sona ult can feel great, but it offers little in terms of recognition. Some might argue that ally recognition is all that matters when playing any role, but this doesn’t help supports track their overall performance in-game. Additional post-game statistics would greatly solve this problem.
It would be great to keep track of how much damage was shielded, number of wards placed/cleared and the percentage of healing done throughout the game. Even knowing how many kills you denied would make for a satisfactory addition. It may not provide the same instant recognition as the booming pentakill announcement, but it puts their plays firmly in the sights of both teams.

Riot started to address support itemisation in the preseason, but in the future they want to make sure the items are compelling enough that players want to pick support items for specific situations, instead of limiting their build paths. Support players also need to feel that they’re getting stronger as they purchase new items. When an AD-Carry or an assassin purchases their third item there is a big spike in performance. When a support purchases their third item it’s really hard to see a noticeable difference. Sure, you gain a little boost to your stats and you may even get an active to help out your team, but the overall leap between items could be improved.
Sightstone is another area that Riot wants to consider looking into. If you’re playing support your first purchase is commonly going to be a Sightstone. Purchasing this item instantly puts your build behind for the entire game and greatly limits your choices as a support player. In order to fix this there would likely need to be another overhaul to the vision system. However, this could be solved by giving supports more starting items that provide different options without punishing players for not picking one item over the other. Being forced into purchasing a Sightstone can feel rather unfair and does not help to create meaningful choices.
Many players feel that the experience and gold per 10 runes don’t provide enough benefits when compared to damage dealer runes. Supports should have their own set of runes that are only available to their role which focus on providing them with what they need. The introduction of healing and shielding runes would help supports excel in their individual areas and create more strategy within the position.

Laning patterns
Lastly, Riot is looking at how they can improve the in-game decisions made by players in the support role. Many players pick mage champions when they go support as it gives them a more engaging playstyle that allows them to harass the enemy, push lanes and even transition into an AP carry if they get ahead. It’s really not hard to see why people go down this route, but it’s sad to see so many dedicated support champs dropped in favour of mage champions.
Many complain that the role offers little outside of healing, blocking damage and warding. Whether you like the role or not, supports are an integral part of League of Legends. While their playstyle isn’t going to suit the majority of players, they do offer rewarding experiences that are often overshadowed by their bloodthirsty allies. The more that Riot can do to make them more rewarding to play, the better. All areas and create more strategy within the position.

Laning patterns
Lastly, Riot is looking at how they can improve the in-game decisions made by players in the support role. Many players pick mage champions when they go support as it gives them a more engaging playstyle that allows them to harass the enemy, push lanes and even transition into an AP carry if they get ahead. It’s really not hard to see why people go down this route, but it’s sad to see so many dedicated support champs dropped in favour of mage champions.
Many complain that the role offers little outside of healing, blocking damage and warding. Whether you like the role or not, supports are an integral part of League of Legends. While their playstyle isn’t going to suit the majority of players, they do offer rewarding experiences that are often overshadowed by their bloodthirsty allies. The more that Riot can do to make them more rewarding to play, the better.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Steam Autumn Sale has begun now

The leaves are off the trees, there's a chill in the air, the ground is covered in a sparkling layer of frost, and it all adds up to one thing: The Steam Autumn Sale is live! 

Bargains abound, as they always do in these things, but the can't-miss deal right of the top is probably Doom, which is down to a super-cheap $20/£13. Ark: Survival Evolved is also a solid choice at $15/£11, and the perennial favorite Cities: Skylines is just $7.50/£6. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare—$2.50/£1.90 Skyrim—$6.50/£3. Civ 5—$5/£7.50. Fallout 4— $20/£13. Steam says that there are currently 12,272 titles on sale, so we're not going to cover them all, but you get the idea.    

The Steam Autumn Sale runs until 1 pm ET on November 29. Give our list of the best Black Friday game deals a look, too, which we'll be updating constantly through next Monday.

Voting for Steam Award has begun

Side-by-side with today's kickoff of the Steam Autumn Sale, Valve has also opened up voting in the first-ever Steam Awards, with nominations chosen by you—that's right, you. Games can be tapped for contention in eight different categories, and if you don't like how they're broken down, you can opt to suggest one of your own.
Those categories are: 
·         The "Test of Time" Award
·         The "I'm Not Crying, There's Something In My Eye" Award
·         The "Just Five More Minutes" Award
·         The "Whoooaaaaaaa, Dude!" Award
·         The "Villain Most In Need of a Hug" Award
·         The "Game Within a Game" Award
·         The "I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award" Award
·         The "Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award
·         The “We Didn’t Think Of Everything” Award
I was initially cold on the whole thing, because it's so obviously and utterly pointless—One category (I'll let you guess which one, dude) is literally for games that "melt your face," or that maybe just seemed really cool because when you played it you were still super-high from having your wisdom teeth taken out. But then I remembered that even "real" award shows, for videogames or any other form of mainstream entertainment, are almost entirely pointless except as fodder for ridiculous arguments. And then I felt better. Because if I'm going to argue about which game is "best," I think it'd be a lot more fun to hang the debate on the inclusion of farm animals than on who gave the most memorable female VO performance.

In fact, I'll even argue that cyborg eagles qualify as farm animals, because eagles are animals I sometimes see while I'm driving past farms. (And since there are apparently zero restrictions on nominations, I consider that argument won.)
That's a very roundabout way of saying that this is all in good fun, so you probably shouldn't get too hung up on your picks, or the inherent silliness of the whole thing. And there is a reward for taking part: Valve is offering a badge and Steam XP for completing tasks like nominating games and playing/reviewing your nominees.
Steam Award nominations are live now and will close on November 29, when the Steam Autumn Sale wraps up. Winners will be announced sometime in December. You can check for the Steam Autumn Sale in Here

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Ragnarok Online Indonesia Resmi Pindah Publisher ke Gravindo

Publisher baru bernama Gravindo secara resmi mengakuisisi pengelolaan Ragnarok Online Indonesia yang sebelumnya dikelola oleh LYTO.
DSC 0939Dari kiri ke kanan (berbaju putih): 
Bpk. Andi Suryanto (CEO LYTO), Mr. Yoshinori Kitamura (COO Gravity), Bpk. Tubagus Angga (CEO Gravindo)
Tepat hari ini (04/11), berita pergantian publisher Ragnarok Online Indonesia kini bukanlah gosip lagi. Bersamaan dengan acara GATE di BRI Indocomtech 2016 ini, Publisher Gravindo, Publisher LYTO, dan Developer Gravity mengadakan konfrensi pers untuk mengumumkan berita ini.

Sekilas Gravindo

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Gravindo adalah perusahaan Publisher Game Online yang merupakan kolaborasi Strategic Partnership antara LYTO dan GravityGravindo akan berfokus untuk mengembangkan titel game Ragnarok (PC dan Mobile Version) untuk pangsa pasar Indonesia.
Dengan membawa slogan "From Gamers, By Gamers, For Gamers!", publisher baru yang juga berisi beberapa Ragnarok Mania dengan keahlian khusus dan berpengalaman ini akan serius untuk mengembangkan brand Ragnarok di Indonesia.

New Ragnarok Online

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MMORPG yang dibuat dengan latar belakang cerita berdasarkan komik berjudul Ragnarok karangan Lee Myung Jin ini akan di re-launch menjadi New Ragnarok Online dibawah naungan Gravindodengan sistem free-to-play.
Melihat kata New, pastinya ada hal baru yang diberikan Gravindo pada game ini. Ya, tentu saja, Gravindo membocorkan beberapa fitur yang beda dari Ragnarok Online sebelumnya, yaitu :
1. Classic Content (Pre-Renewal)
Konten klasik yang banyak diminati para Ragnarok Mania Veteran ini berisikan: Job 2-1, EXP rate x 1, Drop rate x 1, Death Penalty 3%, Map Classic (Prontera, Izlude, Geffen, Alberta, Payon & Morroc), dan classic content lainnya yang akan ditambahkan secara berkala. Kalian tidak perlu khawatir soal EXP rate yang kecil ini, karena jika kalian bermain di warnet atau i-cafe yang sudah menjadi partner Gravindo akan mendapatkan beragam keuntungan terutama pelipatgandaan EXP.
2. DPR (Dewan Perwakilan Ragnarok)
Hampir sama fungsinya dengan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat di Senayan sana, namun Dewan Perwakilan Ragnarok ini adalah wadah bagi komunitas Ragnarok untuk berkomunikasi langsung agar dapat memaparkan aspirasi, saran, maupun kritik kepada pihak publisher. Tentunya tidak sembarangan gamers bisa menempati posisi ini, diperlukan beberapa persyaratan yang diantaranya adalah : 
  • Ekspertise terhadap konten game Ragnarok
  • Figur yang dikenal di komunitas Ragnarok
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dngan baik
  • Aktif di sosial media
3. Anti BOT Protection & Larangan BOT
New Ragnarok Online ini akan dibalut dengan sistem proteksi keamanan secara server-side yang dapat mencegah program BOT. Selain itu Gravindo juga akan menindak tegas pengguna program illegal tersebut dengan sanksi maksimal banned. Bagi kalian penggemar game auto farming jangan khawatir, karena kemungkinan akan diberikan fitur auto farming pada New Ragnarok Online ini.
4. Forum Jual Beli Resmi
Bagi kalian para pebisnis di dunia game, jangan khawatir soal jual beli item in-game di New Ragnarok Online ini. Gravindo secara resmi akan memfasilitasi dan memberikan wadah bagi para pemain game Ragnarok untuk melakukan transaksi jual-beli dengan sistem Rekening Bersama seperi yang sudah kita ketahui bersama. Tidak hanya item in-game, kabarnya penjualan zeny (in-game currency) pun diperbolehkan dilakukan di forum ini.
5. Warnet of Emperium (WoE)
Lagi-lagi bukan "WoE" dalam artian yang sebenarnya. Pada Warnet of Emperium ini, Gravindo membuka kesempatan kerjasama dengan seluruh warnet atau i-cafe di Indonesia untuk mendaftar menjadi Warnet of Emperium. Keuntungan yang didapat adalah: Bonus 100% EXP rate dan DROP rate, serta merchandise gratis.
6. Turnamen e-Sports
e-Sport saat ini sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia, oleh karena itu Gravindo ikut turut ambil bagian dalam perkembangan e-Sports ini dengan secara rutin mengadakan kompetisi atau turnamen-turnamen antar Guild yang akan diadakan secara Offline dan Online.
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Migrasi Data Renewal

Seluruh data karakter Ragnarok Online LYTO akan dipindahkan kedalam database akun Gravindo dengan sistem migrasi karakter melalui validasi login ke halaman website Gravindo dan LYTO, nantinya data hasil migrasi tersebut dapat digunakan untuk bermain di Renewal Server Version.
Data yang dimigrasikan adalah :
  • Karakter
  • Equipment & Item
  • Zeny
  • Friend List
Data yang TIDAK dimigrasikan adalah :
  • KOIN (cash)
  • Premium Service
  • Kepemilikan kastil WoE

Jadwal Release

Gravindo juga membocorkan secara gamblang bahwa Close Beta New Ragnarok Online ini akan dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2016 sedangkan untuk Open Beta New Ragnarok Online akan dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2017. Info lainnya cek di:
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