Wednesday 23 November 2016

New Update Later 2.7 Interim Report 1: A mysterious Figure

One filled with darkness, one filled with failure. We need to use this information to prevent this dark future, together, we can use this information to ensure that our timeline does not converge on this dark future.

1: We need you to be stronger than ever, and as such, S.H.I.E.L.D. levels will be increasing. It seems that our explorations require us to stand taller than ever, and through increasing agent levels, we will be able to stand tall in the face of overwhelming odds.

2: The surroundings look unfamiliar to us. What looks to have been grandeur and splendor, has been obliterated and replaced with ruins of a time long past. In the darkness, a solitary figure, barely standing, sticks out amongst the ruins. His red mantle, blows almost wistfully in the winds of destruction.

3: The only image we managed to snap from the vision came out much different from the vision we saw, which gives hope that we can still change the path we saw. The image, shown below, shows a slightly more resplendent figure than the one we sadly laid our eyes on.

It seems that we are really in for a rough ride, and we will need to investigate more in order to fully prepare us for the futures that await us. Though we must be patient, we hope that we can get more information soon!

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