Monday 14 November 2016

Dr. Strange Epic Quest 'Marvel Future Fight'

This guide will help you optimize the way to get through the Epic Quests in order to finish it as quickly and effectively as possible.
Highly Recommended:
15 Stage Clears in Shadowland weekly (for 1st time rewards and bio selectors)
5x Clear BO, 6x a week (for Chaotic Norn Stones and BAM)
Materials Needed:
Norn Stone of Strength, 50
Norn Stone of Energy, 200
Norn Stone of Brilliance, 600
Norn Stone of Omnipotence, 1200
Norn Stone of Chaos, 1200
Rank 3 Black Antimatter, 10 (1000 R1 BAM+ 4,375,000 Gold)
Dimension Debris, 2000 total (1000, two quests)
Rank 6 Black Antimatter, 4 (3,200 R1 BAM+22,000,000 gold if starting from scratch, or 1,600 R1 BAM+12,250,000 gold if using Shadowland 1st time clear rewards)
Stuff Gained through Epic Quests:
60/6/6 T2 Doctor Strange
Norn Stone of Strength, 25
Gear Up Kits, 300
Bio Selectors, 30/40/50/60/70=270 total
Crystals, 20/20/30/40/50=160 total
Gold, 150,000+200,000= 350,000 total
Clear Tickets, 50/50/100= 200 total
ISO-8 Chest, 5/6/6* (Awakened)
Comic Card Chest, 5*
Energy, 100
Useful Epic Quest Materials Gained through Shadowland 1st Time Clear Rewards (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
Stage 2. 4* rank up ticket
Stage 3. 4* mastery ticket
Stage 4. 5* rank up ticket
Stage 5. 5* Mastery ticket
Stage 8. 50 Rank 1 BAM
Stage 9. 1 Rank 2 BAM
Stage 10. 1 Rank 3 BAM
Stage 11. 25 Chaotic Norn Stones
Stage 12. 1 Rank 4 BAM
Stage 13. 1 Rank 5 BAM
Stage 14. 100 Chaotic Norn Stones
Stage 15. 1 Rank 6 BAM
Why Shadowland is important:
If you can get to Stage 15 of Shadowland, the 1st time clear rewards from Shadowland will net you the BAM needed for 2/4 Rank 6 Black Antimatter that you need for one of the later quests. This saves you a lot of gold and BAM compared to making them from scratch (12,250,000 gold and 1,600 BAM through Shadowlands, vs. 22,000,000 gold and 3,200 R1 BAM if starting from scratch)
You still need 1,000 BAM and 4,375,000 gold for the 10 R3 BAM for a previous quest, but in total it's only 16,625,000 gold and 2,600 BAM needed total, down from 4,200 BAM and 26,375,000 gold if starting from scratch.
Additionally, getting to Stages 2 and 4 in Shadowland gets you a 4* and 5* rank up ticket that will help immensely when you need to rank up the hard to get Clea. Stages 3 and 5 give you a 4* and 5* mastery ticket, which also help when you have to bring her mastery to 5* in another quest.
Furthermore, the 125 chaos norn stones you receive in total are about 10% of what you need for a research quest that requires 1,200, so it’s a good way to speed that process along.
Every week, you can get up to 225 bio selectors through Shadowland (1x 60, 1x 75, 1x90). While you can’t use them on Clea or Satana, you will need to rank up 4 other characters to 4* and one to 5*, and these bios will help get that done quicker.
Ranking Them Up
Baron Mondo, Wong, Ancient One, Kaecilius, and Hellstorm are the easiest, since you can use any bio selectors on them. Shadowland bios is the easiest F2P option, but you can also supplement that with grinding their bios in their missions, aswell as all methods of gaining bios. For P2W, you can purchase their bio package in the store, or use bio type selectors also purchased through the store, as well as rank up tickets. However, i'd highly advise you to save rank up tickets for Clea and Satana. I go into more detail as to why after this, as well as in the specific quest descriptions for each character.
Satana has her own dark dimension rift, and you can easily grind out 10 bios in 1 day to unlock her. You get 6 bios for finishing the mission once, which makes getting the last 4 easy. After unlocking her, it's up to you whether you want to grind her bios, use subscription package bios, normal rank up tickets, or a mega rank up ticket. I HIGHLY recommend using rank up tickets on her, but ONLY if you have enough for her AFTER ranking up Clea.
For Clea, it ties into the Dark Dimension rifts again. She's essentially the Gwenpool of the Dark Dimension missions. Chance to show up as a striker, and when she does, theres a chance to get her bios. Since you only get 10 daily runs, it'll take a few days and a good bit of debris to unlock her, and a LOOOOOOONG time to get enough bios to 5 * her.
Because of that, I prioritized Clea over Satana. Clea is simply just harder to rank up than Satana, so using the best options you have available will help you finish as quickly as you can. One option I strongly recommend you take advantage of is buying a Mega Rank Up Ticket for Clea, which is possible to do as a strict F2P player, or even just by spending a little money for Stark's Stash. If you really wanted to, you can afford 2 Mega Rank Up tickets for both Satana and Clea, saving a lot of hassle.
Getting Mega Rank Up Tickets
F2P route:
If you want to get a Mega Rank Up ticket, it'll take 45 days if strictly using F2P options, or 18 days if using Stark's Stash. I'm not including buying crystals directly.
For Strict F2P(45 Days to Complete)
25 a day from daily rewards, for 45 days, =1,125.
Vibranium Timeline Battle top 10%= 200 a week, for 6 weeks= 1,200.
Monthly login rewards= 100, 3 times a month=300.
2,625/2,600 crystals needed
1 Mega Rank Up Ticket w/Stark's Stash ($2-3 USD)(18 days to complete)
Stark's Stash= 200
75 a day from Stark's Stash, for 18 days = 1,550
25 a day from daily rewards, for 18 days=450.
Vibranium Timeline Battle top 10%= 200 a week, for 2 weeks= 400.
Monthly login rewards= 100, 2 times =200
2,600/2,600 crystals needed
2 Mega Rank Up Tickets (w/1 month Stark's Stash)(45 Days to Complete)
Stark's Stash= 200
75 a day from Stark's Stash, for 30 days = 2,450
25 a day from daily rewards, for 45 days=1,125.
Vibranium Timeline Battle top 10%= 200 a week, for 6 weeks= 1200.
Monthly login rewards= 100, 5 times =500
5,275/5,200 crystals needed
2 Mega Rank Up Tickets (w/2 months Stark's Stash)(37 Days to Complete)
Stark's Stash= 2 months, (200 flat each month)=400
75 a day from Stark's Stash, for 37 days = 2,775
25 a day from daily rewards, for 37 days=925.
Vibranium Timeline Battle top 10%= 200 a week, for 5 weeks= 1000.
Monthly login rewards= 100, 3 times =300
5,400/5,200 crystals needed
P2W Options
Hellstorm: Use bio selectors from Shadowland, or buy his bios package in the store.
Satana: Use subscription bios to unlock, then use normal/mega rank up ticket to rank up.
Clea: Use subscription bios to unlock, then use normal/mega rank up ticket to rank up.
PSA: Since some of these quests require doing things with daily limits, I highly advise you not to do Daily, Special, Villain Siege, Memory, or Dark Dimension Missions, as well as Timeline Battles and the sending of Assembly Points, until you reach a quest that either requires it, or when you can not complete any more quests during that day. If you do any of the above prematurely, you might hinder your advancement by accident.
Quest 1: Sorcerer Awakened
[Story Mission] Clear 3 Stages. 
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 10
Quest 2: Repair the Sanctum Sanctorum
[Story Mission] Mission 1-8, Clear x1. 
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 15
Quest 3: Spring Cleaning
[Story Mission] Mission 2-3, Clear x1. 
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 20
Quest 4: Theft
[Special Mission] Clear 2 stages.
Reward: Norn Stone of Strength x50
Quest 5: Traces
[Research]Use Norn Stone of Strength (red/combat) x50 to research the Crystal Orb of Agamotto. 
Since you received these as a Reward in the previous quest, it should be able to be finished immediately.
Reward: Dr. Strange 2* Rank Up
Quest 6: The Book flows into the AIM
[Story Mission] Mission 2-7, Clear x1. 
You need Dr. Strange in your team to complete this, but can use any character to do the actual mission.
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 25
Quest 7: Location
[Story Mission], Mission 5-1, Clear x1. 
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 30
Quest 8: The One Who Was
[Story Mission] Mission 6-3, Clear x1. 
Dr. Strange required in team.
Reward: Gear Up Kit x300
Quest 9: The Book of Vishanti
[ISO-8] Enhancement x1. 
Enhance any ISO you have once.
Reward: Dr. Strange 1* Mastery
Quest 10: Understanding Vishanti #1
[Research]Use Norn Stone of Energy (blue/blast) x200 to research the Book of Vishanti #1. 
You can acquire these stones through various means in the game, such as certain Story missions, VS, AB, Shadowland, World Boss, and Co-Op rewards, purchase with gold from the Lab Store or with Honor Tokens in the Token Shop, and through the Lab Converter.
Reward: Dr. Strange 3* Rank Up
Quest 11: Compatriot
[Memory Mission] Road to the Monastery, Clear x1. 
Once you reach this point, you unlock Memory Missions. Only do the mission once or you can lock yourself out of the next ones due to daily limits. Dr. Strange needed in team.
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 35
Quest 12: Rescuing the Refugees
[Assemble Points] Send x1. 
Send 20 assemble points to a friend.
Reward: Bio Selector x30. SAVE IT
Quest 13: Accompanied Growth
[Rank Up] Rank Up Baron Mordo to 4*
The bio selector you receive from the previous quest will get him to 2. From there, you will need 120 more bios (40 for 3, 80 for 4*) in order to finish the quest. If you don’t have any way to acquire those bios that day, this will most likely be your stopping point.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Recommended: Shadowland Rewards from stages 5 and 10 will give you 135 bios, enough to continue.
Not Recommended: Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets. More useful on paywall Clea and Satana.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
Store Bios Packs
Bio Selectors
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Daily Hero Chest has a chance of getting 8x blast bios daily.
Running his Memory Mission 10x daily.
Bio selectors from various means (Subscription package, monthly rewards)
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 40
Quest 14: Sparring
[Timeline Battle] Participate x3
Do 3 Timeline Battles, wins not required.
Reward: Crystals, 20x
Quest 15: Lost Artifact
[Custom Gear] Enhance x1
Enhance any custom gear with other custom gear.
Reward: 150,000 gold
Quest 16: Understanding Vishanti #2
[Research]Use Norn Stone of Brilliance (green/speed) x600 to research the Book of Vishanti #2. You can acquire these stones through various means in the game, such as certain Story missions, VS, AB, Shadowland, World Boss, and Co-Op rewards, purchase with gold from the Lab Store or with Chaos Tokens in the Token Shop, and through the Lab Converter.
Reward: Dr. Strange 2* Mastery
Quest 17: Mysterious Challenger
[Memory Mission] Mysterious Ambush, Clear x1
Dr. Strange must be used. Only run mission once.
Reward: Bio Selector x40. SAVE IT
Quest 18: Demons Increasing
[Rank Up] Rank Up Wong to 4*
The bio selector you receive from the previous quest will get him to 2. From there, you will need 110 more bios (30 more for 3, 80 for 4*) in order to finish the quest. If you don’t have any way to acquire those bios that day, this will most likely be your stopping point.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Recommended: Shadowland Rewards from stages 5 and 10 will give you 135 bios, enough to continue.
Not Recommended: Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets. More useful on paywall Clea and Satana.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
Store Bios Packs
Bio Selectors
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Daily Hero Chest has a chance of getting 8x blast bios daily.
Running his Memory Mission 10x daily.
Bio selectors from various means (Subscription package, monthly rewards)
Reward: Crystals, x20
Quest 19: Understanding Vishanti #3
[Research]Use Norn Stone of Omnipotence (purple/universal) x1200 to research the Book of Vishanti #3.
You can acquire these stones through various means in the game, such as certain Story missions, VS, AB, Shadowland, World Boss, and Co-Op rewards, purchase with gold from the Lab Store or with Chaos Tokens in the Token Shop, and through the Lab Converter.
Reward: Dr. Strange 4* Rank Up
Quest 20: Last Test
[Memory Mission] Monastery in Danger, Clear x1
Only clear once. Dr. Strange must be in team.
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 45
Quest 21: Escape
[Rank Up] Rank Up Ancient One to 4*
You will need 150 bios (10 for 1, 20 for 2, 40 for 3, 80 for 4) in order to finish the quest. If you don’t have any way to acquire those bios that day, this will most likely be your stopping point.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Recommended: Shadowland Rewards from stages 5 and 10 will give you 135 bios, enough to continue.
Not Recommended: Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets. More useful on paywall Clea and Satana.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
Store Bios Packs
Bio Selectors
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Daily Hero Chest has a chance of getting 8x blast bios daily.
Running his Memory Mission 10x daily.
Bio selectors from various means (Subscription package, monthly rewards)
Reward: Crystals, x30
Quest 22: Understanding Vishanti #4
[Research]Use Norn Stone of Chaos (rainbow/T2) x1200 to research the Book of Vishanti #4. 
You can acquire these stones through various means in the game, such as certain Shadowland stages and World Boss rewards, as well as through store purchases.
If you can beat the World Boss missions 5 times a day for 6 days (not counting iThanos), you can earn from 250 to 450 Norn Stones of Chaos a week, depending on RNG.
In Shadowland, you can earn 20 Norn Stones of Chaos in Stage 1, 10 in stage 17, 15 in stage 18, 20 in stage 19, and 25 in stage 20, for a total possible of 90 a week. Of that, the 20 from Stage 1 is easily available to the majority of players.
Also, getting to stages 11 and 14 in Shadowland for the first time will earn you 125 Norn Stones of Chaos in total.
An advanced player should typically be able to earn about 350 Norn Stones of Chaos a week from Shadowland and World Bosses, as well as the 125 from finishing stages 11 and 14. If starting from scratch and grinding, it should be possible then to get enough stones in 3 weeks.
Reward: Dr. Strange lvl to 50
Quest 23: Kaecilius’ Conspiracy
[Memory Mission] Power of the Dark, Clear x1
Only run mission once. Dr. Strange must be in team.
Reward: Bio Selector x50. SAVE IT
Quest 24: Kaecilius’ Power
[Rank Up] Rank Up Kaecilius to 4*
The bio selector you receive from the previous quest will get him to 2. From there, you will need 100 more bios (20 more for 3, 80 for 4*) in order to finish the quest. If you don’t have any way to acquire those bios that day, this will most likely be your stopping point.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Recommended: Shadowland Rewards from stages 5 and 10 will give you 135 bios, enough to continue.
Not Recommended: Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets. More useful on paywall Clea and Satana.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
Store Bios Packs
Bio Selectors
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Daily Hero Chest has a chance of getting 8x blast bios daily.
Running his Memory Mission 10x daily.
Bio selectors from various means (Subscription package, monthly rewards)
Reward: Crystals, x30
Quest 25: Conspiracy Revealed
[Memory Mission] Clear any Stage, x3
Finish any Memory Mission 3 times.
Reward: Clear Ticket x50
Quest 26: Final Instruction
[Achievement] All Daily Achievements completed
Complete all daily achievements.
PSA: If you’re powering through the quests, be very careful here. 3 quests later, you will need to win 3 VS Missions, so in order to complete this quest you must LOSE a VS mission to get that particular daily achievement. BE VERY CAREFUL.
Reward: Dr. Strange 3* Mastery
Quest 27: Activating the Eye of Agamotto
[Research]Use Rank 3 Black Antimatter x10 to research the Eye of Agamotto. 
You will need 1,000 BAM and 4,375,000 gold to fuse 10 R3 BAM from scratch.
You can acquire BAM through various means in the game, such as certain Shadowland stages and World Boss rewards, as well as through store purchases.
If you can beat the World Boss missions 5 times a day for 6 days (not counting iThanos), you can earn from 750 to 1200 BAM a week, depending on RNG.
In Shadowland, you can earn 40 BAM in stage 17, 60 in stage 18, 80 in stage 19, and 100 in stage 20, for a total possible of 280 a week.
While getting to stages 9-11 in Shadowland for the first time will earn you 50 R1BAM, 1 R2BAM, and 1R3BAM, I recommend you save that for a future quest.
An advanced player should typically be able to earn the 1,000 BAM in one week or less, from scratch.
Reward: Dr. Strange 5* Rank Up
Quest 28: Kaecilius Returns
[Memory Mission] Power of the Dark, Clear x3
Run mission 3 times only. Dr. Strange must be in team.
Reward: Dimension Chest: ISO-8 5*
Quest 29: Dimension Research
[Villian Siege] 3 Successes
Win 3 missions in Villain Siege
Reward: Crystals, x40
Quest 30: Dimension Expert
[Dimension Rift] Stage Clear x3
Win 3 Dimesion Rift missions
Reward: Energy, x100
Quest 31: Dark Dimension
[Research] Use x1000 Dimension Debris to research Dark Dimension #1
You can acquire Dimension Debris through various means in the game, such as Dimension Rifts, through VS, AB, Shadowland, World Boss, and Co-Op rewards, and through purchase with gold from the Lab Store.
Reward: Dr. Strange to lvl 55
Quest 32: Satana
[Dark Dimension] Dark Advent, clear x1
Clear the mission once. Dr. Strange needed in team
Reward: Bio Selector x60. SAVE IT
Quest 33: Focused Strength
[Rank Up] Rank Up Satana to 5*
Bio selectors can’t be used on Satana. Therefore, your options are limited. However, the first time win bonus for her mission is 6 bios, so if you grind her mission, you can get her to 1*, then use rank up tickets on her. Alternatively, use the 20 bios from a subscription package to unlock, then use rank up tickets.
If you saved the 4* and 5* rank up ticket from the Shadowland 1st time clear rewards, getting her to 3* and using the tickets on her is a good F2P way to finish the quest. However, since it’s possible to get her bios through missions, unlike Clea, I’d save these two tickets for Clea, unless you have extra normal/mega rank up tickets to use on one or the other.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Running her Dark Dimension Mission 10x daily.
Subscription package
Reward: Dimension Chest: ISO-8 6*
Quest 34: Another Dark Dimension
[Research] Use x1000 Dimension Debris to research Dark Dimension #2
You can acquire Dimension Debris through various means in the game, such as Dimension Rifts, through VS, AB, Shadowland, World Boss, and Co-Op rewards, and through purchase with gold from the Lab Store.
Reward: Dr. Strange 4* Mastery
Quest 35: Demon Strategy
[Dark Dimension] Increasing Darkness, clear x1
Clear the mission once. Dr. Strange needed in team
Reward: 200,000 gold
Quest 36: Dark Attack
[Comic Cards] Upgrade x1
Upgrade a comic card
Reward: Clear Ticket, x50
Quest 37: How To Stop the Dark
[Daily Mission] Stage Clear x2
Finish Daily Missions twice. Dr. Strange needed in team
This is the absolute farthest you can get to in a day, since a previous quest requires you to do a Daily Mission.
Rewards: Bio Selector x70. SAVE IT
Quest 38: Demons Gaining Strength
[Rank Up] Rank Up Hellstorm to 5*. The quest says mastery, but it’s false. 
You should have a x70 and a x60 bio selector saved up from 2 previous quests. These will get him to 3. From there, you will need 180 more bios (20 more for 4, 160 for 4*) in order to finish the quest. If you don’t have any way to acquire those bios that day, this will most likely be your stopping point.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Recommended: Shadowland Rewards from stages 5,10, and 15 will give you 225 bios, enough to continue.
Not Recommended: Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets. More useful on paywall Clea and Satana.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
Store Bios Packs
Bio Selectors
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Daily Hero Chest has a chance of getting 8x blast bios daily.
Running his Dark Dimension mission 10x daily.
Bio selectors from various means (Subscription package, monthly rewards)
Reward: Comic Card Chest: Legendary, x1
Quest 39: Wand of Watoomb
[Villian Siege] 3 Wins
Win 3 Villian Siege missions
Reward: Crystals, x50
Quest 40: Power of the Wand
[Research]Use Rank 6 Black Antimatter x4 to research the Wand of Watoomb. 
You will need 3,200 BAM and 22,000,000 gold to fuse 4 R6 BAM from scratch.
Recommended: You can use the Shadowland 1st time clear rewards to cut your needed BAM to 1,600 and gold to 12,250,000 gold, since you get one R6 BAM and the 1-5 BAM needed to create another one from it when you get up to stage 14 for the first time. An advanced player should typically be able to earn the 1,200 BAM for this in one week or less.
Scratch: You can acquire BAM through various means in the game, such as certain Shadowland stages and World Boss rewards, as well as through store purchases.
If you can beat the World Boss missions 5 times a day for 6 days (not counting iThanos), you can earn from 750 to 1200 BAM a week, depending on RNG.
In Shadowland, you can earn 40 BAM in stage 17, 60 in stage 18, 80 in stage 19, and 100 in stage 20, for a total possible of 280 a week.
An advanced player should typically be able to earn the 3,200 BAM needed to build from scratch in approximately 3-3 ½ weeks.
Reward: Dr. Strange 6* Rank Up
Quest 41: Rescuing the Princess
[Dark Dimension] Clear stages, x3
Clear a Dark Dimension mission 3 times. Dr. Strange needed in team
Reward: Clear Ticket x100
Quest 42: Clea Rescued
[Rank Up] Rank Up Clea to 5*
Bio selectors can’t be used on Clea. Furthermore, her bios can only be acquired through shifter rewards and subscription packages, so getting her to 5* is a challenge. I highly recommend you use the 20 bios from a subscription package to unlock her, then use rank up tickets.
If you saved the 4* and 5* rank up ticket from the Shadowland 1st time clear rewards, getting her to 3* and using the tickets on her is a good F2P way to finish the quest. Alternatively, a mega rank up ticket will help speed things up immensely.
Instant Free to Play Options :
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets.
Instant Pay to Win Options:
Normal/Mega Rank Up Tickets
F2P/P2W Bio Grinding Options:
Shifter bio rewards
Subscription package
Reward: Dr. Strange 5* Mastery
Quest 43: Sorcerer Duo
[Mastery] Rank up Clea to 5* Mastery
Get her mastery to 5 by using 450 Norn Stones of Omnipotence (purple/universal). Alternatively, the Shadowland 1st time clear rewards for Stages 3 and 5 are 4* and 5*mastery tickets, which would mean you’d only need to use 180 Norn Stones of Omnipotence before using the tickets.
Reward: Dr. Strange lvl to 60
Quest 44: Final Strike
[Memory Mission] Power of the dark #6, clear x1
You must clear the LAST mission in the category, #6, to complete the quest. Dr. Strange needed in team.
Reward: Dimension Chest: ISO-8 6* (Awakened)
Quest 45: The Sorcerer Supreme Returns
[Epic Quest] All Stories Completed
Automatically completes after finishing Quest 43.
Reward: Dr. Strange 6* Mastery

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